Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Hello, my Renaissance Runnettes. In about a day and a half I'll be getting on a plane to start my European vacation. I've been wanting to see Europe for a long time, and now's my chance. I bought a new digital camera with a big memory card so I'll be able to take lots of pics. I'm really looking to the historical aspect of the trip. As a friend of mine pointed out to me yesterday, Canada is a very young country at only 139 years old. She told me she saw a cathedral in Europe that took longer than that just to build! This will basically be a whirlwind tour of about 10 countries in 19 days, so I'll get a little sampling of everything. I'll hopefully have some interesting tales to spin when I get back. Peace out!

Quote of the day

‘Mmmmm... I look good. I mean really good. Hey everyone... come and see how good I look!’
- Ron Burgundy, from Anchorman (2004)

Friday, May 05, 2006

We have Hyaenas and Jackals?

A few days ago, I received a slightly disturbing e-mail which was sent out to a wide number of people within the camp. The e-mail stated there was a problem with Hyaenas, Jackals and dogs around the camp. There were concerns of rabies, so humane traps had been placed in the camp to catch them. It further stated that someone had been springing these traps after there was already something in it, and was at times even vandalizing the traps. This generated several thoughts:

1. We have possibly rabid hyaenas and jackals around here?
2. Who would be stupid enough to open a trap with a hyaena or jackal in it?!
3. What would life be like if we had thumbs on both sides of our hands? What? Oh yeah, hyaenas.

Funny quote of the day: "Damn, and I thought I was ugly! Son, you look like you been beat with a bag of nickels."
- American Colonel on seeing our clerk walk by