Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Return of the Runner

After a long absence from this site, I've decided to come back and write a few posts again. Why was I gone for so long, you ask? Well, things had quieted down in my life in comparison to events of the previous year. Anything that was going on in my life I felt was either not worthy of blogging about, such as my professional life, or was best left unblogged, such as my romantic life. The last time I blogged about a woman here, it came back to bite me in the ass. RR would rather not go through that again.

Since I've been back from overseas, I've been asking myself the question, "What now?". The military, while it's been very good to me for the sixteen years I've been in, doesn't feel like a good fit for me anymore. I've been feeling like it's time to move on and do something else. A few months ago, I started looking at going back to school. Given my work background, I looked for something in the IT field. After seeking advice from a few people, an old army buddy mentioned a one year grad program in Information Systems Security that someone he knew had taken and done very well with. I researched it and thought it sounded very promising, so I submitted my application. Lo and behold, I was accepted into the program, which starts in September.

It feels good to have a plan in place for my life again. This program will be just what I need to make the transition to a decent career in the private sector. Lord knows there are no shortage of security breaches on e-commerce websites. That's all I have for know. I'll try and write a few more blogs within the coming week.

Peace out!


"Now I've been happy lately,
thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be,
something good has begun"
- Peace Train, by Cat Stevens


At 1:56 AM, Blogger dalia said...

hurrah for the comeback! i too, have been away. now i am back. with drama, no less. i haven't learned anything. lol

hope you are well. you cross my mind from time to time...

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

foot, you're fantastic.
see? this is why i had a crush on you... :)

i am better today... it comes and goes. not to worry... i will take you up on your offer for tea one day, though!


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Single Parent said...

wow - he's ALIVE!


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