Hello, my Renaissance Runnettes. In about a day and a half I'll be getting on a plane to start my European vacation. I've been wanting to see Europe for a long time, and now's my chance. I bought a new digital camera with a big memory card so I'll be able to take lots of pics. I'm really looking to the historical aspect of the trip. As a friend of mine pointed out to me yesterday, Canada is a very young country at only 139 years old. She told me she saw a cathedral in Europe that took longer than that just to build! This will basically be a whirlwind tour of about 10 countries in 19 days, so I'll get a little sampling of everything. I'll hopefully have some interesting tales to spin when I get back. Peace out!
Quote of the day
‘Mmmmm... I look good. I mean really good. Hey everyone... come and see how good I look!’
- Ron Burgundy, from Anchorman (2004)