Renaissance Runner Redux

After being absent from here for almost two years, I decided to write a new entry. It's late at night here in the nation's capital, and it's just me, my dog curled up next to me, and a slew of thoughts. What should I write about after having been gone from here for so long? I suppose I could sum up the highlights of the past two years, but I think I'll save that for another day. Instead, I think I'll write about something that's been on my mind lately.
I've had it with dating. I feel like I've spent an inordinate amount of time and energy only to have a string of bitter disappointments in that area of my life. I'm tired of dating women who turn out to be the emotional equivalent of a David Lynch film, and there are far more of you out there than I ever imagined.
So, for now I'm going to focus on improving myself. I'm working out regularly again, which is great for dispelling the winter blahs and increasing my energy levels. I've always wanted to learn a musical instrument, so I'm taking guitar lessons. Hopefully I can stick with it and learn to rock out. I'm even taking night courses to improve myself in my professional life. It's already paid off with helping me to land a better job.
Am I done with dating for good? Doubtful. Perhaps I'll feel different once Spring or Summer is here. In the meantime, take your neuroses and unresolved traumas somewhere else. I'm not interested.
"Don't know that I will
But until I can find me
A girl who'll stay
And won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
Solitary man"