Thursday, June 16, 2005

Baroque Biker

This weekend I'll be participating in a 24 hour mountain biking relay at the Albion Hills Conservation Area in Bolton. I'll be part of a five man relay team called The Slackers. With a moniker like that, you just know the only gold we'll be going for is that 5% alcohol-by-volume nectar of the gods that comes in a bottle or can. And that'll be just fine by me.

Tonight I'll be going out to pick up a few essentials for the relay, such as a set of allen keys, tire lever, spare inner tube, hydration pack, a case of water, several bottles of gatorade, energy gels, etc. It promises to be a good time.


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Phillip Barron said...

That's what mountain biking is all about, is it not? That's the way we race down here in North Carolina anyway.

Where's there to mountain biking in the capital region of Ontario? I have family up there and travel there often (but never had time to look up mtb spots).

Great blog. Now, if I could just remember how I got here.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Foot said...

Indeed it is, my friend. For mountain biking in the capital region, there is Gatineau park across the river in Quebec, or there's Kanata Lakes for a more technical course.


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