Thursday, November 18, 2004

Oh Bridget, what have you done?

I went and saw the Bridget Jones sequel last night with my friend Joan. I thought the first movie was fairly well done, so I had a certain set of expectations for this one. I was sorely disappointed. In the original, Bridget was portrayed as being halfway intelligent. In this version she was simply an idiot. The movie had only a few schticks which they used over and over again. The most common one being:

1. Something happens to Bridget making her look like a mess.
2. Bridget then walks in on her boyfriend Mark who is with some very important people.
3. Everyone stares at her and she gets embarrassed.
4. Rinse. Repeat.

Hugh Grant had some great lines in it, but it wasn't nearly enough to save this train wreck. Oh well, Joan's taking me out to dinner and then to see the show "Stomp" tonight as a late birthday gift. Could there be anything more fun than watching a bunch of guys make a lot of noise by hitting things? I think not.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Kat said...

There is no way I would ever get your brother to go see this movie...also, I am tired of skinny chicks gaining a bunch of weight and then losing it. "Oh, it must have been so hard..." and "you're so dedicated to your craft". WHATEVER! Plenty of curvy women out there could have played that role without having to gain or lose a pound.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Foot said...

You're absolutely right Kat. I rather like a woman with some meat on her bones. The last thing I want is a woman with a body like a twelve year boy.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Kat said...

You inspired me to blog about my thoughts on weight...

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Foot said...

I was someone's inspiration? Cool. I never thought of myself as a muse before, but why not?

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also saw the movie - and really liked it! I also didn't find the character to be that bad - probably just not meshing with your personality. For me - it highlighted something that happens to alot of women (myself included) when you get into relationships that you feel very strongly about - you turn into a raving lunatic! I can be completely intelligent, well kept and the rest, and then start dating a guy and all of the sudden I sound like a fool (significant foot in mouth), make silly decisions, and usually lose the ability to walk and talk at the same time (unless I really concentrate) - which of course I completely try to hide. Bridget just wasn't as good at covering up. Maybe if you had my life - you would see the enjoyment of the movie. I could raise a few key fubs from your exploits. :) BTW - it's Lex. And in your words - funny is something that happens to other people.


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